I've been getting stuck into some good training recently, even with all the snow and cold weather. Since I started my winter training I've managed to put together a real solid block with plenty of swimming and running with only a small amount of biking. I've seen a steady improvement in both my swimming and running over the last few weeks, which I put down to improved strength in my swim and a bit of weight loss which has helped my run, not to mention the overall consistent training which is probably the most important part to see an improvement.
I've been really mixing the strokes up a lot in the swim and one of my key strength sessions in the week has been a session which consists of: 1000m w/up - 8 x 100 IM off 1.40 - 40 x 25 fly off 30sec - 1500 pull/band/pads - 400ez bk/fr - Not a massive session at 4700m but a solid strength session that I've really felt the benefit from. My run training has been going well, been getting in some solid long miles off road with some solid treadmill sessions that have really helped improved my leg speed. The bike training has been minimal at the minute, which hasn't been a bad thing with all the snow, but I will be stepping up the bike training over the Christmas period. One added session has been the Watt bike session that I am taking at The Bike Studio, above Lutterworth Cycle Centre in Lutterworth. These bikes are fantastic with all the info you get off them you can really track your progress from week to week. Been getting a good group of cyclists and fitness enthusiasts coming to the class.
No colds or infections yet! Thanks Elagen there for helping with that!
Until next time, be careful out there in the ice!
CRAIG TWIGG UK based professional triathlete and coach competing in Ironman and Half Ironman Triathlon.
Thursday, 9 December 2010
Thursday, 2 December 2010
Training Update

Well I've been back training now for a few weeks and all is going OK. Apart from the one crash that I had on my bike! Well it just wouldn't be British if I didn't crash my bike at least every two months! I think I'm going to be getting some stabilizers form Santa this Christmas! All was OK though and I managed to pick myself up with just a little road rash. The funniest part was looking round and seeing my mate Rob Orr upside down in a hedge! Yea, sorry about taking you out there Rob but I blame our other training buddy, Tim Mcdowell, who was on the front and didn't tell us about the ice until we hit it! Shrewd move by Tim as he used it to his advantage and put the boot in and sprint away from us! We will retaliate Tim, just got to get my stabilizers first!
Whilst I'm on the subject of crashing, I went round to see my old mate Terry Vaughn last week who is recovering from a really nasty crash. He broke six ribs and broke his sternum, punctured a lung and then to top it off he caught pneumonia! With all those nasty injuries he still tried to ride his bike after as he had to get back to his car then managed to drive fifty miles home! But then spent two weeks in hospital. He is recovering and he's up and about walking and gardening.
The last couple of weeks I have started teaching a bike class at the www.bikestudio.co.uk on Wattbikes based at Lutterworth Cycle Centre. These bikes are awesome bits of kit and especially good this time of year when its freezing cold and snowing. So if you live in the Lutterworth area and want to improve your cycling with other like minded people then get yourselves booked in. I teach the Wednesday night classes where we focus on speed! The other classes are endurance based classes.
Well thats it for now, be safe out there!
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Well it's been a long time since I wrote anything on this blog, too long! So much has happend in the last 16 months since my last post, most of it bad too. The last post featured my dissapointing debut at the Ironman distance, and thing's haven't exactly improved since then.
The bad luck all kicked off on August 6th 2009 when I rode my bike into the back off a generator at 25mph! Not good and it left me with my left hand shattered and my thumb hanging off, a smashed left kneecap, a serious injury to my right thigh and torn ligaments and tendons to my right shuolder, a week in hospital, four months off training (well I did get back on my bike after two!) All of which I'm still recovering from now! So all in all not good when your looking at doing another Ironman season.
I managed to start back with some structure to my training in January 2010 and was confident I would have a good season. It all started well with a win at the "No Frills Duathlon" and a new bike course record! Although it was only a small event, it did show that I was getting some fitness back.
As the season went on my fitness was improving, I managed a top 20 placing in both 70.3 New Orleans and Half Challenge Barcelona, although I was quite far behind the winners so I still had a long way to go.
The first big goal of the year was Ironman France in Nice, and the scene of my next disaster. I got knocked off my bike the night before the race on the way to transition and the impact bust my headset which I didn't find out about until 40mins before the race start! I couldn't get it repaired so no race start for me! Still not an Ironman!!!
Next up I managed to get into Ironman UK in sunny Bolton. The race was going well and I was holding 5th Place until 4 miles into the run when the knee I had an operation on after my accident started hurting and reduced me to a walk. I so wanted to finish so I switched my stopwatch off and dicided to walk and jog to the line to claim my first Ironman finish! Not quite the result I'd trained for but at least I got across that line.
Next disaster was at the Vitruvian Middle distance Tri where I managed to crash into some crowd control barriers within the first 500m of the bike. There was no crowd there though, luckily!
Then onto the last big race of the year, Challenge Barcelona. I felt I'd got into the shape of my life going into this one as some of my sessions where awesome and I felt amazing. Then the bad luck came and I managed to get a cold which developed into a chest infection where i couln't stop coughing, especially during the night. The night before I had a good nights sleep with no waking up coughing etc. So I woke up feeling pretty good and looking forward to the race. The swim was OK my chest was a little tight which made me need to ease up a little. But the water was nice, not rough, just a standard sea swim I guess. I rode OK and started the run in 8th place. then the chest kicked in, I ended up walking again, and coughing up blood! Not good. but again I finished.
So onto 2011 and my training has already begun. Its time to put the last 16 month behind me and to look forward to a beast of a season! I have a few plans in the pipeline and will post my race plans shortly.
A big thanks goes out to Elagen Sport for their continued support in keeping me training at such a high level. Also to Total Fitness Nottingham for supplying me with all my kit. I only hope I can repay you both with some good race results in 2011.
The bad luck all kicked off on August 6th 2009 when I rode my bike into the back off a generator at 25mph! Not good and it left me with my left hand shattered and my thumb hanging off, a smashed left kneecap, a serious injury to my right thigh and torn ligaments and tendons to my right shuolder, a week in hospital, four months off training (well I did get back on my bike after two!) All of which I'm still recovering from now! So all in all not good when your looking at doing another Ironman season.
I managed to start back with some structure to my training in January 2010 and was confident I would have a good season. It all started well with a win at the "No Frills Duathlon" and a new bike course record! Although it was only a small event, it did show that I was getting some fitness back.
As the season went on my fitness was improving, I managed a top 20 placing in both 70.3 New Orleans and Half Challenge Barcelona, although I was quite far behind the winners so I still had a long way to go.
The first big goal of the year was Ironman France in Nice, and the scene of my next disaster. I got knocked off my bike the night before the race on the way to transition and the impact bust my headset which I didn't find out about until 40mins before the race start! I couldn't get it repaired so no race start for me! Still not an Ironman!!!
Next up I managed to get into Ironman UK in sunny Bolton. The race was going well and I was holding 5th Place until 4 miles into the run when the knee I had an operation on after my accident started hurting and reduced me to a walk. I so wanted to finish so I switched my stopwatch off and dicided to walk and jog to the line to claim my first Ironman finish! Not quite the result I'd trained for but at least I got across that line.
Next disaster was at the Vitruvian Middle distance Tri where I managed to crash into some crowd control barriers within the first 500m of the bike. There was no crowd there though, luckily!
Then onto the last big race of the year, Challenge Barcelona. I felt I'd got into the shape of my life going into this one as some of my sessions where awesome and I felt amazing. Then the bad luck came and I managed to get a cold which developed into a chest infection where i couln't stop coughing, especially during the night. The night before I had a good nights sleep with no waking up coughing etc. So I woke up feeling pretty good and looking forward to the race. The swim was OK my chest was a little tight which made me need to ease up a little. But the water was nice, not rough, just a standard sea swim I guess. I rode OK and started the run in 8th place. then the chest kicked in, I ended up walking again, and coughing up blood! Not good. but again I finished.
So onto 2011 and my training has already begun. Its time to put the last 16 month behind me and to look forward to a beast of a season! I have a few plans in the pipeline and will post my race plans shortly.
A big thanks goes out to Elagen Sport for their continued support in keeping me training at such a high level. Also to Total Fitness Nottingham for supplying me with all my kit. I only hope I can repay you both with some good race results in 2011.
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