Well I've been back training now for a few weeks and all is going OK. Apart from the one crash that I had on my bike! Well it just wouldn't be British if I didn't crash my bike at least every two months! I think I'm going to be getting some stabilizers form Santa this Christmas! All was OK though and I managed to pick myself up with just a little road rash. The funniest part was looking round and seeing my mate Rob Orr upside down in a hedge! Yea, sorry about taking you out there Rob but I blame our other training buddy, Tim Mcdowell, who was on the front and didn't tell us about the ice until we hit it! Shrewd move by Tim as he used it to his advantage and put the boot in and sprint away from us! We will retaliate Tim, just got to get my stabilizers first!
Whilst I'm on the subject of crashing, I went round to see my old mate Terry Vaughn last week who is recovering from a really nasty crash. He broke six ribs and broke his sternum, punctured a lung and then to top it off he caught pneumonia! With all those nasty injuries he still tried to ride his bike after as he had to get back to his car then managed to drive fifty miles home! But then spent two weeks in hospital. He is recovering and he's up and about walking and gardening.
The last couple of weeks I have started teaching a bike class at the www.bikestudio.co.uk on Wattbikes based at Lutterworth Cycle Centre. These bikes are awesome bits of kit and especially good this time of year when its freezing cold and snowing. So if you live in the Lutterworth area and want to improve your cycling with other like minded people then get yourselves booked in. I teach the Wednesday night classes where we focus on speed! The other classes are endurance based classes.
Well thats it for now, be safe out there!
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